Your Amazing Artist Consult
with BEA1991

Your current job or position isn’t of importance; 
your artistic spirit is


The aim of my session with you is to talk about the
emotional environment of your work, not the work itself.

I do not listen to, or look at your work.

According to what you tell me, together we will unfold your
inner creative landscape
helping you to proceed, burst open, re-inspire, pauze with intention,
or take an alternate turn all together.

What we explore depends on the nature of your current experience
and I always make sure that I understand your feelings -and their context- in detail
before I take us deeper.


Our session will create mental space and fuel curiosity; helping you to move beyond
any creative blockages or perceived limitations.

It will clarify where your artistic essence is rooted and will help locate; then verify and feed that place of beauty and raw intention.

You can talk to me at any point in any process.


duration ~ 90 to 120 mins
fee ~ 75€ per hour, excl tax

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see you soon